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    20 Fun Facts about Tea


    Tea is a drink prepared by infusing the leaves, flowers and roots of the tea plant, generally prepared with hot water. Each variety acquires a defined flavor, according to the processing used, which may include oxidation, fermentation, and contact with other herbs, spices and fruits.

    Tea culture has been part of our lives for thousands of years. of years. There are people who take it at five o'clock, those who prefer it hot or those who prefer it cold on summer days. There are many forms that tea and infusion can take in our daily lives, however, they all share the ideal of well-being. Drinking tea is one of the best resources we have for pampering our bodies at any time of the day and in any place, with or without company. The knowledge of a cup of tea is so powerful that it fits into any occasion.

    Although this healthy practice is part of world culture, it is more prevalent in China, Japan and England (in famous “five o’clock tea”). The origin of tea is still somewhat unknown. There are several Chinese myths about the unprecedented origin of tea culture through the shoots of the bush called ”Camellia sinensis”. According to a study, in 2027, 8 million tons of green tea and black tea will be produced. This high production is due to the constant annual increase in tea consumption.

    1. Tea is the second most consumed drink in the world, second only to water;

    2. Five out of six Americans consume tea every day;

    3. It has long been used as a currency of exchange in countries such as China and Siberia;

    4. A cup of black tea has half the caffeine of a cup of coffee;

    5. A cup of white tea has the same amount of antioxidant substances as ten glasses of apple juice;

    6. There are approximately 3 thousand varieties of tea;

    7. In Tibet it is considered a sacred drink;

    8. The 4 main types of tea are White, Green, Black and the famous Oolong;

    9. Black tea is the most produced and exported type of tea in the world;

    10. The Camellia sinensis plant can reach a height of 9 meters;

    11. The Camellia sinensis plant can produce tea leaves for 50 years;

    12. In one day of work, an individual who has experience in harvesting tea leaves can collect around 32 kilos, enough to prepare 14 thousand cups of tea;

    13. The largest tea producers in the world are China and India;

    14. Between 1608 and 1850, China was the main exporter of tea to the Western world;

    15. The largest tea consumers in the world are India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Turkey, Morocco, Russia, China, Ireland, the United States of America and the United Kingdom;

    16. The expression “tea spoon” refers to the size of the spoon, which was perfect for measuring loose tea;

    17. This drink is a natural appetite suppressant, is good for the heart and helps balance cholesterol levels;

    18. In terms of health benefits and taste, purchased loose leaf tea is better than industrialized tea in bags;

    19. The tea bag was created in the early 20th century by New York merchant Thomas Sullivan as a cheaper alternative to metal cans. The story goes that the merchant decided to wrap the tea leaves in small gauze bags, and the customers threw the small package into the boiling water;

    20. The most expensive tea bag was produced by the British company PG TIPS in celebration of its 75th anniversary and contained a limited edition of premium tea leaves and 280 diamonds;